Friday, May 6, 2016


Today is the end of Week 18.  In the past week, I have:

Lost 0.8 pounds on the scale
Lost 1 pound of body fat (est.)
Gained 0.2 pounds of lean mass (est.)
Lost 1/8" around my neck
Lost 1/4" around my waist
Lost 1/4" around my hips
Body fat from 30.8% to 30.3% (est.)
Lean mass from 69.2% to 69.7% (est.)
Feasted 3 days and fasted 4 days
Lifted weights 1 time
Did treadmill HIIT 2 times

Since January 1, 2016, I have:

Lost 18.2 pounds on the scale
Lost 18.9 pounds of body fat (est.)
Gained 0.7 pounds of lean mass (est.)
Lost 5/8" around my neck
Lost  4 1/4" around my waist
Lost 3 1/2" around my hips
Body fat from 39% to 30.3% (est.)
Lean mass from 61% to 69.7% (est.)
Feasted 76 days and fasted 51 days
Lifted weights 4 times
Did treadmill HIIT 8 times

I made a few charts to track my progress.  On the first chart, the grey line is my long term goal. The blue line is my actual weight.  The red line is my 7-day average. The second chart is a little heat map to show at a glance how often I have actually had to fast to achieve the results I am after. Click on any chart to enlarge it.

Below is my chart for the Body By Science "Big Five".  It shows the exercises I am doing, along with the weight, reps and TUL, which stands for Time Under Load.

This is my chart for treadmill HIIT:

This is my chart for walking, which I did not do any of this week, for various reasons:

There are eight weeks remaining for this kindler, gentler challenge.  If I achieve my goal of 130 pounds with 25% body fat, I'm not sure where I will go from there.

This is a personal challenge just for me, but if anyone reading would like to join me, please talk to your doctor and make sure that it will not conflict with your current medical condition or medications.  If you are taking the challenge, please be sure to let me know how you are doing!  Thanks for reading!

To find out more about this challenge - the rules and how it started - click here.


  1. Wow, a 3 day fast. How are you feeling? Seems like you must feel OK/good or you would've mentioned it...?

    From your last post (or one of the recent ones) I noticed it seemed like when you ate for 7 days in a row (no fasting), your weight seemed to go up each day. Is this correct? Maybe I mis-read the chart or mis-correlated it to your fast/feast heat map. If this is correct - how do you feel about that? Personally, that would give me serious agita, I don't know if I could handle it.

    All best to you.

    1. Hi, Wendy!

      During my 3-day fast, I felt just fine. As a matter of fact, I felt better each day.

      Yes, it does appear that when I eat for several days in a row, that my weight just steadily creeps up. It is very frustrating, and I wish it wasn't so. At this point, though, I am so used to fasting that it isn't as hard to fast, and I don't get too torn up about it. The desired outcome of all of this is that I get to the point where I only have to fast one or two days a week and can maintain my weight. We'll see.


  2. Thanks for responding! I admire your tenacity with the fasting (I personally hate fasting other than 16:8-ish IF) and hope you get the results you are looking for and many more good results as well. All Best.

  3. I have been so busy the past few weeks, I haven't had time to visit (and I thought I might be able to do your challenge with you - ha! I also thought I had time on my quilting plate to join in on the splendid sampler quilt along. That was a joke, too... Ah well - it's all good)
    This challenge seems so much kinder than your last one :-) Looks like things are going along well for you ~ yay!!

    1. It's nice to hear from you, Tracy!

      I did spend the last few days (ahem) suspending my rules a bit. But today I am back on track. I may be pulling another 3-day-er.
